Dulce's Noteworthy Accomplishments
2016 ASCA National Specialty - Best of Breed
2015-2016 ASCA #1 Conformation Dog Overall
2016 ASCA National Specialty Top 30 - Third Place
2015 ASCA National Specialty - Premier Bitch (Final 2 standing for Best of Breed)
2015 ASCA National Specialty Top 30 - Seventh Place
2015 ASCA National Specialty Pre-Show - Best of Breed
2015 ASCA National Pre-Show - Premier Bitch
2014 USASA National Specialty - Futurity Select
Dulce's Offspring Accomplishments
2019 ASCA National Specialty Winners Dog
2019 ASCA National Specialty Best in Sweepstakes
2019 ASCA National Specialty Pre-Show Winners Dog and Best of Winners
2019 ASCA National Specialty Post-Show Premier Dog
Dulce, affectionately known as "The Queen", has a ridiculously goofy personality. She is always extremely excited to see me (Jennifer) and gives me big-old-toothy smiles. She jumps on me so hard it hurts and oftentimes her behavior turns into mishap! She crashes into walls and gates, runs so fast on slick floors that she goes nowhere, and even falls off the porch into bushes. The love this beautiful creature has for me is unconditional.
Dulce had an amazing show career! She started her winning ways with a Best of Breed win at the 2015 ASCA National Pre-Show. She finished the 2015-2016 ASCA show year ranked #1 Conformation Dog and continued on to win Best of Breed at the 2016 National Specialty. Dulce is a once in a lifetime dog and we are so blessed to have accomplished so much with her.
Dulce is making a mark in the whelping box. From her first litter she produced our gorgeous boy, Deacon. At just 13 months of age he won Winners Dog and Best in Sweepstakes at the 2019 National. He also won Winners Dog and Best of Winners at a pre-show. I can't wait to see what the future holds for her beautiful puppies!